Monday, August 5, 2013

Musing Mondays #2

Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week...
  • Describe one of your reading habits.
  • Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you choose that/those book(s).
  • What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it!
  • Tell us what you're reading right now – what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren't) enjoying.
  • Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
  • Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books – let's hear it, then!
Today I decided to do the last one and ramble/tell you why books are so important to a new way.

Once upon a time there was a girl who was very, very shy. She was also insecure about a lot of things and did not make friends easily. In school, she eventually made some friends but never ones she told everything to or did everything with. This lonely girl mostly spent her time alone and was very quiet. One day she discovered books. Now of course she had known what books were, her mother and father had read to her as a child but these were different. These were books she could read on her own and were about things she wanted to read about. As the years went on the girl experienced love, pain, and triumph all found in the bindings of books. They were here safe haven away from the terribleness of middle school and the ambiguity of high school. They were her friends on those lonely Saturday nights. Now that college is about to begin the shy girl has become determined to put on her big girl pants and become more outgoing. She is impatiently awaiting her happily ever after, but books will always be there for her. 
NOT The End.

BTW I'm not a total recluse. I did go to dances, prom, the movies, and a few sleepovers. I just spend a lot of time alone.

Please tell me about why books have been important to you or how they became important. I would love to know. (really)


  1. I think I recognize that girl. It could have been me 60 to 50 years ago. Books are still my very good friends even though I am more outgoing today. Here is my muse: MM

  2. I can so relate to being shy and finding solace in books.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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